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Lainie has asked this question:

Is there a correct methord of keeping a members register?

The Members Register is something that most voluntary organisations need to keep. The way they are constituted will normally dictate the method of keeping the register.

For instance, if you are an incorporated association, you need to check the Associations Incorporations Act in your home state. Most will simply say that a “Register of Members” needs to be kept but not how. If you are ” company limited by guarantee” you need to keep a register also. Your own constitution may also give you some guidelines. Some legislation also requires it to be written as opposed to electronic.

In today’s world, most registers will be electronic, but to keep safe, it is also wise to have an up to date printout always available.

The detail you record also changes from place to place. Some just require a name, with no details.

My suggestion is that you set up a register that records all of the following information, then you probably won’t go wrong:

Membership Number (I suggest you give everyone a membership number as some legislation requires it)


First name


Address details

Phone contact details

Date the person joined

Date resigned

Awards or Accolades bestowed and the dates (for example Life Membership)


The members’ register is normally kept by the Secretary.

I suggest you keep this in electronic form but always have a printout available.


Please Note: The author accepts no responsibility for anything which occurs directly or indirectly as a result of using any of the suggestions or procedures detailed in this blog. This is not, and should be taken as legal advice. All suggestions and procedures are provided in good faith as general guidelines only and should be used in conjunction with relevant legislation, constitutions, rules, laws, by-laws, and with reasonable judgement. If you are in any doubt, seek appropriate advice.







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