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Tepora Wright has asked the following question:

Do you have to table minutes of an ordinary meeting at a special meeting?

I hate being pedantic, but it does depend on what you mean by a “special meeting”. I’ll explain what I mean.

If you have a meeting that is outside the regular timetable, for instance, on the 3rd Monday instead of  the 4th Monday, some people call that a “speacial meeting”. It’s not really a special meeting. it’s just that the day you meet has changed.

If you have an additional meeting, as well as your regular meetings, for instance to discuss a particular issue, then some people call that a “special meeting”. It’s not wrong to call it that, but it can be confusing if you ever have “Special General Meetings”.

So, if you have a special meeting like the last one I explained – a meeting to discuss something in particular, or at a different time or place, then the minutes you table at that “special meeting” are the ones from the last ordinary meeting because in meeting terms, this meeting is just a regular meeting – the only thing that makes it special is that it is called outside the normal timetable.

If however, Tepora is talking about a Special General Meeting, then that is whol;e new ball game.

A Special General Meeting is exactly the same as an Annual General Meeting, except that it is held between Annual General Meetings usually to make a decision on something important like a constitution change.

In this case, the minutes that are tabled at a Special General Meeting, are those of the last “General Meeting” which would probably have been the Annual General Meeting.

A “General Meeting” (whether is and AGM or an SGM) is one where every member has to receive a notice of the meeting in the prescribed format and time frame and also a notice of the business that is to be conducted at the meeting. No other substantial business should be conducted at that meeting.

Please Note: The author accepts no responsibility for anything which occurs directly or indirectly as a result of using any of the suggestions or procedures detailed in this blog. All suggestions and procedures are provided in good faith as general guidelines only and should be used in conjunction with relevant legislation, constitutions, rules, laws, by-laws, and with reasonable judgement.

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