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Sounds like a tricky question doesn’t it? The issue is easy to understand when you understand the meaning of a “general” meeting.

There are really only two types of “general meeting” – the Annual General Meeting and the Special General Meeting (SGM) which is sometimes called an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM).

If the meeting is a “general meeting” as opposed to an ordinary or regular meeting, then the minutes which are approved are those of the last general meeting.

So if you have an AGM, and no other general meeting is held until the next AGM, then the minutes which are approved are those of the last AGM.

If you have an AGM, and then during the year you have an SGM or EGM, then the minutes that are approved at the SGM are those of the AGM – the last general meeting. Then, at the next AGM, the minutes which are approved are those of the SGM since it was the most recent general meeting.

Please Note: The author accepts no responsibility for anything which occurs directly or indirectly as a result of using any of the suggestions or procedures detailed in this blog. All suggestions and procedures are provided in good faith as general guidelines only and should be used in conjunction with relevant legislation, constitutions, rules, laws, by-laws, and with reasonable judgement.

7 thoughts on “Which minutes are approved at a Special General Meeting or an AGM when there has previously been an SGM?

  1. It is my understanding that only Board emeting minutes have to be approved by the board. Committee meeting minutes are accepted. Is this correct.

    thanks you, Carol

  2. But if that’s the case, and AGM’s minutes are to be approved and signed at the next AGM (a year later), then doesn’t a company contravene section 251A (2) which requires that the minutes be singed within a reasonable time… Is one year reasonable time?

  3. This is a new comment:

    But if that’s the case, and AGM’s minutes are to be approved and signed at the next AGM (a year later), then doesn’t a company contravene section 251A (2) which requires that the minutes be singed within a reasonable time… Is one year reasonable time?

  4. Your explanation is really helpful, but what is the authority of it? I am reading the relevant sections of the Corporations Act and am unable to determine that. Would you be able to point me in the right direction?

    • HI Joanna,
      The Corporations Act is silent on most aspects of meeting procedure. The explanation I gave is simply the accepted common practice and is referred to in most of the authorities on meeting procedure. There is a post on the authority for Australia and New Zealand on this site.

    • Yes you can because it a General Meeting – which means a meeting of the entire membership.

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