Charisma - You Either Have It Or You Don't..Maybe Not.

Charisma is that magnetic quality that some speakers may have in drawing an audience. It is that certain “something” that the audience may not be able to name, but they certainly feel it. It is what makes speakers effective, and it’s what makes speakers convincing and influential. Charisma also goes beyond public speaking. It could also apply to one on one conversations. A manager may be able to convince the VP to approve a project when they are charismatic, or specific direction and changes in an organization may be easier to implement when the person suggesting these has charisma. Most people believe that charisma is inborn. While it is true that there are certain individuals that have a natural charm, and who can seem to get their way without much effort, charisma can also be learned and acquired. It may take practice, and for introverts and shy people, a lot of it, but as soon as one has learned the art of the charm and charisma, doors fly open. The Benefits of Charisma for Senior Managers A senior manager may have been able to reach his post on the corporate ladder through sheer talent, effectiveness, efficiency, and raw skills, but it will take them a team or teams who will believe in them and their vision. It will also take charisma not just to rally their staff, but also to convince their bosses about where they want to take their projects or their division. Charisma may be the one key that will cause them to take the company to the next level. How Charisma Is Learned Like any skill, charisma is learned through different means: By learning from good to great mentors, absorbing through excellent materials, then practicing. Practice makes perfect, so to speak, and nothing allows a certain skill, charisma included, to be “burned” into a leader’s soft skill set than practice.

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