Presenting to a board or senior executive team is very different to other presentations.
The way that a presentation is made to a board is not like most other audiences.
Board presentations need to be concise, they need to be crystal clear, and they need to have an obvious outcome or call to action.
When people present to boards, a common mistake is that they provide too much detail. Boards are generally not interested in the detail until the overall concept or point is understood.
One of the essential things is to make a presentation that gives enough detail for people to sign on, or be interested, but not too much as to make the audience think you’re hiding something.
And therein lies the great irony. When more detail is presented to a board, it’s a very common phenomenon they believe there’s something to hide.
It sounds ridiculous, but it’s a fact.
The ‘Presenting to a Board’ workshop covers a higher-level of presentation skills:-
In this program, you’ll be a person who will be known as a great presenter and great presenters are offered opportunities. This skill is one that is well worth developing.
2 hour
Half Day
Virtual or
in person face to face
Full day
Small group or
individual coaching
Every time you speak or lead a meeting your leadership skills are on show.
With his broad skillset as a high-level presentation skills coach, meetings advisor and impartial chair, professional strategic planning facilitator and motivational speaker David builds stronger leaders.
He gives current and emerging leaders the skills and confidence to own the room whenever they speak.
Every time you speak or lead a meeting your leadership skills are on show.
With his broad skillset as a high-level presentation skills coach, meetings advisor and impartial chair, professional strategic planning facilitator and motivational speaker David builds stronger leaders.
He gives current and emerging leaders the skills and confidence to own the room whenever they speak.