In virtually every workplace people want the same 3 things - fewer, shorter and more productive meetings.
Collaboration & engagement = Productivity
Strategic, forward-looking & focused
Ground rules and protocols that work
Decisive leadership that keeps things moving
Meeting diagnostics to determine your needs
Meetings designed to respect everyone’s time
Strategies for leaders, attendees, minute-takers and meeting organisers
Learn the techniques for effective meetings so you’re better equipped
Making positive change doesn’t have to be like a slow-turning ship
More effective meetings don’t just happen, but they can change for the better, one step at a time. By looking globally first at your company’s values and the unwritten (and written) ground rules you have in place, your meetings can be redesigned to suit your company’s philosophy and goals.
As a well-known meeting tragic, I bring 35+ years of experience and excitement back into every aspect of your meetings (yes… excitement… not a mistake).
I’ve been known to go to many local council meetings in Perth to observe the meeting procedures, just for fun. Well, actually, also to discover the many ways good meetings are run, so I can share this knowledge with others striving to improve their meetings.
The slow-turning ship metaphor was intentional, as I often drive down to Fremantle to look at the ships coming in and out. Just as I find the logistics fascinating at the harbour, I also find process and procedure intriguing in meetings. Once you learn these skills, your meetings will run like a well-oiled machine….. or ship.
Striving for more effective meetings can feel overwhelming, but if you break it down, it’s more achievable…
Broad strategies to decrease the frequency, number and length of your meetings
How to keep meetings on track
The most effective way to structure the agenda
How to use the agenda as a guide for writing compliant minutes
Why meeting ground rules are crucial and how to use them
Good governance – what it means and how to apply it
How to increase engagement and buy-in
How to harness the knowledge, wisdom and experience of everyone
Tools to make your meetings more productive
Dealing with conflict and differing points of view
How to rescue a meeting that gets bogged down
Time management strategies before, during and after the meeting
Leadership skills on how to read and lead a meeting
Verbal and non-verbal leadership skills – when and how to use them
I’ve authored 4 books on meetings and meeting procedures, so I know my stuff.
I work in small or large groups. I not only coach the group on how to have better, more productive meetings, I also can show you how, as individuals, to add value as a knowledgeable and active participant, raising the bar on every meeting you attend.
I’ve worked with local government, corporate, Not for Profits, community groups, sales organisations, anyone that meets.
Not sure how to start having more effective meetings? It may be you start with a meeting diagnostic where I’ll give your meetings a professional ‘once-over’. It’s like going to a chiropractor for your meetings. Minor adjustments can make a huge difference.
It starts with a phone call. (put contact details here)
We don’t go to work to have lots of meetings. We have meetings to make better decisions so the right work gets done.