Presentation Skills Training

Looking for Advanced Presentations Skills Training?

7 process for presentation skills infographic

Are you looking for Advanced Presentations Skills Training?

The distinction between presentations skills training and a public speaking coach is that general public speaking skills tend to be for people who are just beginning in their career and need to speak in public. They’re mainly looking to speak with confidence.

Presentation skills training is for people who already have a fair degree of confidence and really need to polish and hone these skills in their work and their life.

Presentation skills are used in every aspect of your life. Whether you work in the community, whether you have a job in a corporate organisation, or even among friends. Some people lack the confidence to speak up and speaking up is what it’s all about.

But it’s much more than that.

Advanced presentation skills = speaking with confidence and intelligence

This is the difference between basic public speaking skills and advanced presentation training. The science of speaking is a learnable skill.

When you learn advanced presentation techniques you’ll learn to communicate in a more focused manner in these areas:-

  • Intellect
  • How to persuade and influence

There are particular skills involved when you need to persuade, influence, inform or entertain. They can be broken down into three main areas:-

  • Physiology – what your non-verbal body language is saying
  • Design – how the presentation is structured
  • Delivery – how you say it

Adding power to your presentation skills training

What sets David Julian Price apart from other speaking coaches is that he specifically works more on non-verbal communication, because this is where the power comes from, particularly when you need to influence.


A global approach When you present, David Julian Price  looks at the whole picture of you speaking. It’s not just about the words you say, how you say them, or whether you’re speaking clearly or not. It’s the overall impact these individual skill sets have on your audience. Getting the right mix to suit your personality and audience is a learned craft.


When David Julian Price coaches you, he instantly assesses…


  • What the audience sees
  • What the audience hears
  • What the audience feels
  • What the audience senses

All of these non-verbal visual components are built into the presentation by a speaker who can present well.


On the flip, a speaker who can speak well, may come across as confident, but if they don’t have the advanced nuanced skills of the visual components in place too, their physiology may not be congruent with their message. The result is they won’t engage the audience.


The main difference between public speaking skills and high-level presentation training is that with the latter, the speaker will understand what their audience is thinking.


To really speak to the audience, you must answer the questions going on inside their head.

This is the key. David calls the audience’s thoughts ‘Stanley’.

Speak to the audience’s Stanley

Everyone has a Stanley. Stanley resides in your head. This is the voice of the audience that’s saying…


”something’s not quite right about what this person is saying, but I don’t know what it is.”


Have you ever been in an audience and the speaker isn’t resonating with you? You don’t know why, but the way they’re giving their presentation just doesn’t make sense?

Some reasons why a speaker’s message doesn’t land with the audience:-


  • Their body language is incongruent with their message
  • They may have made a point at the beginning, gone off-track, and not finished the loop. This leaves the audience hanging, as they want to know the ending.
  • The information is too complex and doesn’t make sense
  • There’s no SO WHAT? in the presentation It was spoken too fast, too slow, too loud, too soft….

As you can see, there are many reasons why speakers are unable to communicate clearly. To really get your message across so you influence and move your audience to action, you need a qualified, experienced presentation skills coach and mentor to identify the what and the why of the nuances of your presentation.

Why choose David Julian Price as your presentation skills coach?

  • David Julian Price understands what Stanley is saying to the audience, and addresses the unsaid.
  • Not only that, he also sees instantly what changes need to be made so your presentation is more engaging.
  • With David Julian Price you get 35+ years of experience as a keynote speaker, speaking coach, facilitator, and chairperson. His broad and deep skill set brings many layers to his coaching style, resulting in your audience being captivated by your every word.
  • Engagement is the key word. If you can’t engage the audience then there’s no way you’ll be able to influence, persuade or inform effectively.

Sharpening the tools in your speaking toolbox with Hot-Seat Coaching

  • David looks at the global – visual and auditory. He identifies the main area that will make the biggest impact once changed, and works on that first.
  • If you’re having 1-on-1 coaching, you’ll be hot-seat coached. David deconstructs the tools you’ve been using to present up until now. They’ll be modified, honed and sharpened, just like tools in a toolbox.
  • This will all be put back together into a finished product that will come across in a polished, engaging and effective way.

Benefits of Small Group Coaching

Small group coaching is done in the same way as 1-on-1 coaching, except everyone is coached in front of a group.We’ve found in previous workshops this method gives validation to the rebuilding of the deconstructed presentation.


David checks in with the group when he makes a correction, by asking them how the changes he’s done look and sound. The audience validation to the changes builds motivation and validates to the person being coached the benefits of the changes to their presentation.


David consciously uses the technique of audience validation to build the confidence and motivation for the person being coached. The speaker then knows that what David’s saying is actually effective and making a difference, and has validity. Speaking and presenting Coach vs Golf Coach . You may be surprised how these 2 skilled genres have similarities in the coaching style.

  • Initial analysis – the approach used is to analyse how the speaker speaks before any training is done. This way David can see what you naturally do and how you do it. This is not dissimilar to the initial approach of a golf coach.
  • Lowest hanging fruit – Changes are suggested that are the quickest and easiest to change, and they’ll have the greatest positive impact on the overall presentation immediately.
  • Further minor adjustments – With golf there are many small changes that once made, can have a big overall effect. Such as how you grip the golf club, your stance, the swing, and the angle. There are all sorts of things that go into the perfect golfing swing, and so it is with honing your presenting techniques.

David offers Presentation Skills Workshops using the global approach via the Hot-Seat Coaching method. This is how you’ll become highly competent, highly effective and you’ll own the room whenever you speak.


David explains, he demonstrates, then he gets you to practice. David’s presentation training style connects with all learning types. I think it’s a very important way of training and it’s something that has been lost. Even though it’s an old way that is practical, we’ve lost this skill. David’s way of language brings it down to basics.


That’s what I think the bonus is with David. By gauging the audience with their different learning types, David’s learning style connects with all.

Stuart Jamieson – City of Albany


It was such an amazing day. Plenty of practical advice and loads of new learnings. David Julian Price, you bring such energy into the room, it’s inspiring!


Jo Harper – Team Leadership Coach and Facilitator  

Our Team


When you need good solid content with no fluff, David Price is the coach you need. His style is direct, interactive and engaging, ensuring the audience stays awake and leaves with takeaway techniques to implement that day. He is an expert presentation skills coach, meeting procedure sage, author, conference speaker and communications skills educator, able to explain complex ideas in simple terms.


I’m the ‘talent behind the talent’ at David Julian Price Consulting. When David’s in his zone of genius as a speaking and meetings coach, his eyes light up. I’m not kidding. When you love doing things that most people avoid, you know you’ve found your calling, and it’s a privilege and a delight to support my husband in this way – Denise Price


Connect with David


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