An efficient and better way to record the minutes

Building your skills to speak impromptu is the fastest path to confident speaking

An efficient and better way to record the minutes

There’s no need to overthink the minutes. This one takeaway could save you hours of time…


In a nutshell, the minute-taker’s role is to record the DECISIONS that are made. It is NOT their role to record everything that is said.


This may sound simple, but in practice, it’s not that easy. Especially if people are reluctant to move on from outdated ways of doing things such as… “but we’ve always done it this way.”


If this phrase gets used in your workplace or committee, well, Houston, you’ve got a problem.


The meeting organisation cycle is more efficient when it goes like this…

  • Prepare the agenda on your computer based on the previous minutes and new items
  • Ensure the document on the computer is set up to easily capture the decisions made
  • As a decision is made, note it and the people who will are responsible for doing it
  • Use this amended agenda as the framework for the follow-up meeting

I’ve been a secretary on boards and always use this method for capturing the minutes. It’s so time efficient that the average time it took me to send completely compliant minutes to fellow board members was 3 minutes after the meeting closed – yes it is possible.


David Julian Price Meetings Advisor

Our Team


When you need good solid content with no fluff, David Price is the coach you need. His style is direct, interactive and engaging, ensuring the audience stays awake and leaves with takeaway techniques to implement that day. He is an expert presentation skills coach, meeting procedure sage, author, conference speaker and communications skills educator, able to explain complex ideas in simple terms.


I’m the ‘talent behind the talent’ at David Julian Price Consulting. When David’s in his zone of genius as a speaking and meetings coach, his eyes light up. I’m not kidding. When you love doing things that most people avoid, you know you’ve found your calling, and it’s a privilege and a delight to support my husband in this way – Denise Price


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