The V - O - M - I - T METHOD works when you’re short of time to prepare your presentation

Is it lumpy and chunky too? Eeww… sorry for the visual metaphor.


Seriously, what actually is the vomit method? It sounds disgusting but it works.


Put simply, don’t overthink your presentation. If you’re strapped for time to prepare, the vomit method is a really good way to quickly get content.


AND… you can do it anywhere… in the car between appointments… going for a walk… on your lunch break… How’s that for efficient use of your time?

V – O – M – I – T  METHOD is…


V – VOMIT YOUR THOUGHTS – Whatever thoughts are in your head, vomit them out, purge them from your brain, with no care for grammar, structure, spelling or anything else.


O – OTTER RECORDING – The most effective way to do this is to record all your ideas as this is the most free-flowing method. Otter is a great app to do this. Most of us have access to a mobile phone which gives us the instant ability to record our ideas. Don’t video yourself at this point as it’s too soon.


M – MAGIC – Choose the gems – Then pick through it all and find the bits that are the real, lumpy, chunky gems, because there will be some. Usually, your first thoughts about what works are the ones you should follow through with. Don’t overthink it at this stage, follow your gut instinct.


I – INTERVIEW – Get someone to interview you about your topic. This can generate some unexpected angles. Research shows when you walk and talk side-by-side, it can help shift ‘stuckness’ with your thoughts. It helps to create new energy and motivation. Kind of like smoothing out those worrisome lumpy chunks, moving them from blockages to benefits.


T – TALK – Don’t type or write – The moment you start writing or typing your brain switches into a new mode, and it actually does the opposite of the vomit method. You’ll naturally put in grammar and correct the spelling which will slow your creative thoughts down. The writing stage comes later.


Now add layers of chunks to your vomit draft. Not all ideas come at the same time. Either start a new recording, or just let the original recording run, and keep talking when the ideas pop into your mind. Search your memory bank for relatable stories to add in.


Then work on editing the content so you create a good design.


Then work on your delivery of the contentpractise, practise and practise again. Practise by yourself first, then in front of trusted peers and colleagues (not friends or family, unless they’ve had experience presenting).


Need help kick-starting your presentation? Give me a call, I’d love to help.


David Julian Price


Elevator Pitch Coach  – Strategic Planning Facilitator –  Executive Presentation CoachingImpartial Meeting Chair