What’s your pitching pigeonhole?

What’s your pigeonhole? Everyone has one or should have one.


We can’t help but put people in a ‘pigeonhole’ as it makes it easier for us to remember them, and also to refer them.


Are you in the printing pigeonhole, or chiropractor, or insurance pigeonhole?


Some of us have more than one pigeonhole. If you can blend them into one, well good for you. However, having multi-layers of monikers can be confusing.


You see, I’m known by many names, and here are a few.


I’m known as the Pitching Guy, the Facilitation Guy and the Meetings Man to name a few.


When I’m a speaking coach, some have called me the… Charismatic Communication King, or once I was called… Dynamic Debonair David (by my wife….does that count?)


Or when I’m chairing a meeting I’ve been called… Discerning Decisive David.

Seriously though, we remember better when your offering is simple and relatable. You meet lots of people throughout your life, how can you possibly remember everything you hear?


I recently heard a person speak about the neuroscience of relationships at a networking event. She was clearly very knowledgeable and passionate about the subject and had been studying it for some years.


But afterwards, I thought, if I was to refer her to anyone, who would it be?


I understood she was very knowledgeable about neuroscience and relationships, but I didn’t have a clue how that could be applied to people in business or others at the event where she spoke.


What benefit could she bring to workplaces? What was the point of her presentation? This was unclear as I didn’t know what pigeonhole she belonged in. I am yet to meet someone in a conversation who says… “Do you know anyone who does neuroscience of relationships?” It’s highly unlikely I’ll ever get asked that question.


However, I’m frequently asked if I know a printer, website person, t-shirt printer, or people in the accounting or bookkeeping pigeonholes. This is why you need to identify and own your pigeonhole so that others can clearly understand how you can help them.


Don’t dismiss this because it sounds basic. Basic and simple sells. If people know what pigeonhole you’re in, you’re more likely to get referrals.


Do a test at your networking group, and ask them what pigeonhole they put you in. You may be surprised at what they say.


Fun Facts

Did you know some pigeons are war veterans? One homing pigeon named G.I Joe delivered an important message and saved British troops from a bombing with 5 minutes to spare. Another by the name of Cher Ami delivered a total of 12 important messages for the US military. On his last mission, Cher Ami was shot in the breast and still managed to fly for another 25 minutes, completing his mission and saving the lives of 194 stranded soldiers.


I hope you found my blog Delightful, Discerning and Dynamic.


Don’t dismiss the pigeonhole!


David Julian Price



Elevator Pitch Coach  – Strategic Planning Facilitator –  Executive Presentation CoachingImpartial Meeting Chair