Are there special protocols for Zoom meetings?
I received this question from Andrew in Hong Kong: I work in a social service organization. Due to the outspread of the COVID-19, most of
I received this question from Andrew in Hong Kong: I work in a social service organization. Due to the outspread of the COVID-19, most of
I have received this question from Andrew in the Northern Territory: I am the Executive Officer at my place of work. I have a couple
Harvard Business Review commissions lots of research. They recently had some research conducted which came up with some interesting statistics of the effects of meetings
Bruce from Gabbin in Western Australia has asked this question: In the absence of anything in the Constitution related to when proxies have to be submitted at
Alan from Palmeston, Australia has asked this question: If there is only one nominee for President at the AGM, do the members still have to
Dennis from Leicester, UK, has asked the following question: Minutes of a meeting have been completely dissected and negatively commented upon in writing to wider
I have received this double-barrelled question from Gloria in South Australia: Is it only the previous years AGM minutes that are tabled at an AGM.
I have received a question from Steven in the USA. When a point of order has been made, should it or may I have it
Alan is a new subscriber and has asked this question: As secretary, I send out requests for agenda items for our monthly meetings, and then
I have received this question from a subscriber – Which minutes are tabled at a Special General Meeting? Sounds like a tricky question doesn’t it? The issue
A question has been asked by Judith from Pomona in Queensland: Can a motion passed at a general meeting of members of an incorporated club
A question has been received from Lance, in Port Elizabeth, a South African subscriber about the minutes of an AGM. The minutes of the AGM
Casting votes is an issue that has come up recently with a client. They sound simple but there is a little bit behind them. Firstly,
I have received a question from a subscriber in the United Kingdom. I have asked to see the minutes of a committee meeting of our
Richard from Australia has made a comment and asked this question: In an answer to Carmen you said “The AGM minutes only need to be signed by
Pranav has asked this question and it’s a common one. What is the difference between an ordinary meeting and a special meeting? An ordinary meeting is
Natalie from New Zealand has asked this question. She asks: I understand that 2 weeks notice should be given before an AGM. Is it necessary
This question has come from John, in Australia It is not necessary to have an independent chairperson unless a) your rules dictate it; or, b)
It’s been calculated that the “average” adult makes 35,000 decisions every day. It seems a bit high to me but who am I to argue
Dellys from Mackay in Australia has asked this question: Can a motion passed at an AGM attended by 50 people be rescinded 6 months later
Angela from Windsor, Ontario in Canada has asked this question. The only things that generally need to be recorded in minutes are those in attendance
Leanne from Australia has asked this question: Is it legal for a secretary to use a voice recorder (phone) to record a meeting instead of
Kevin from Fresno in the USA has asked this question. This is very similar to a post I made a couple of weeks ago, but
There are a number of books on meeting procedure in Australia and New Zealand. CAUTION: Your organisation may use a book called “Robert’s Rules” (often
Alan of New South Wales has asked this question and mentioned that a member of his group has pointed out that Robert’s Rules may not
I have received a question from Liza: Can you provide an example of a Special General Meeting? A Special General Meeting has the same status
The following question was received from a man who prefers to remain anonymous so we will call him Peter. We are living on a residential
This is a tricky issue and thankfully does not occur often. When it does though, it can be confusing. The best way to understand it
I am writing my fourth book on meetings. This one is titled Revolutionise Your Meetings and will be published by Balboa Press. It tackles the
Hilary of Pingrup, Western Australia has asked about the merging of two clubs. There are a number of issues to be considered when two clubs
Every time you speak or lead a meeting your leadership skills are on show.
With his broad skillset as a high-level presentation skills coach, meetings advisor and impartial chair, professional strategic planning facilitator and motivational speaker David builds stronger leaders.
He gives current and emerging leaders the skills and confidence to own the room whenever they speak.
Every time you speak or lead a meeting your leadership skills are on show.
With his broad skillset as a high-level presentation skills coach, meetings advisor and impartial chair, professional strategic planning facilitator and motivational speaker David builds stronger leaders.
He gives current and emerging leaders the skills and confidence to own the room whenever they speak.